Reads an Analog Devices ADXL3xx accelerometer and communicates the acceleration to the computer. The pins used are designed to be easily compatible with the breakout boards from Sparkfun, available from:

The circuit: analog 0: accelerometer self test analog 1: z-axis analog 2: y-axis analog 3: x-axis analog 4: ground analog 5: vcc

created 2 Jul 2008 by David A. Mellis modified 30 Aug 2011 by Tom Igoe

This example code is in the public domain.


/ these constants describe the pins. They won't change: const int groundpin = 18; / analog input pin 4 – ground const int powerpin = 19; / analog input pin 5 – voltage const int xpin = A3; / x-axis of the accelerometer const int ypin = A2; / y-axis const int zpin = A1; / z-axis (only on 3-axis models)

void setup() { // initialize the serial communications: Serial.begin(9600);

/ Provide ground and power by using the analog inputs as normal / digital pins. This makes it possible to directly connect the / breakout board to the Arduino. If you use the normal 5V and / GND pins on the Arduino, you can remove these lines. pinMode(groundpin, OUTPUT); pinMode(powerpin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(groundpin, LOW); digitalWrite(powerpin, HIGH); }

void loop() { // print the sensor values: Serial.print(analogRead(xpin)); // print a tab between values: Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(analogRead(ypin)); // print a tab between values: Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(analogRead(zpin)); Serial.println(); // delay before next reading: delay(100); } #+ENDEXAMPLE

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