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You can also use Konami Code within the project to find your balance...explore your fluidity, be creative and try, play....
«interactive teaching resume».
there are tautochronous portas = CIRCLES you can PRESS to discover more about me
every dt you can choose to EXIT a portal by clicking in one of the SMALL COLOURED CIRCLES on the UPER LEFT CORNER
into every portal there is a circle that you SHOULD press to reveal more
feel free to interact and do not be afraid to mix the information, it is always there
for something non-fluid you can always DOWNLOAD THE PDF
or press here
You can use Konami Code within the project to find your balance...explore your fluidity, be creative and try, play....
«interactive artist resume».
there are tautochronous portas = CIRCLES you can PRESS to discover more about me
every dt you can choose to EXIT a portal by clicking in one of the SMALL COLOURED CIRCLES on the UPER LEFT CORNER
into every portal there is a circle that you SHOULD press to reveal more
feel free to interact and do not be afraid to mix the information, it is always there