Fields of Interest - Research

Dr. Panagopoulos research interests include applications of pattern recognition to arts and cultural heritage.


More scpecifically Dr. Panagopoulos is interested in the interaction between mathematics and computer science with art and culture. In collaboration with Prof. C. Papaodusseus there are two major projects on which he has worked. The first is the study of the method of construction of the celebrated prehistoric wall-paintings of Akrotiri (Thera). What we have demonstrated by means of pattern recognition, image processing and curve fitting is that the majority of the most famous wall-paintings e.g. "Gathering of crocus", "Naked boys" e.t.c., were made by the use of geometric stencils. These stencils were seven different geometric curves, namely one linear spiral, two ellipses and four hyperbolae. The second project on which I have done my research is the automated writer identification of ancient Greek inscriptions. The ancient carvers were specialized artists of a limited carrier and there is a great importance on being able to identify their work since it is one of the ways an inscription can gain a date (inscriptions are almost never signed). The work is based on creating a representative (prototype) for each letter symbol of each inscription and comparing it with the ones of the others. We try now to apply this system to handwritten papyri.