NEWS ARCHIVE • SEMINAR: The seminar will be taught by Joel Chadabe, electroacoustic music composer, founder and preseident of the Electronic Music Foundation based in New York, director of Computer Music Studio of the Manhattan Music School and Professor Emeritus at State University of New York, faculty at Manhattan School of Music • SEMINAR: Carla Scaletti and Kurt Hebel will teach a seminar on Sound Design, Live Sound Control and Music Composition with KYMA SYSTEM. • SEMINAR: prof. Giorgos Grammatikakis (Physics Dept, University of Crete) entitled: IMPORTANT EVENTS IN MODERN SCIENCE & THEIR EFFECT ON ART • SEMINAR: “Inter-application in computer field – Max/Msp” • SEMINAR: Dimitris Kamarotos, THE CREATION OF IMPROVISED MUSICAL FORMS BY MEANS OF ELECTRONIC AND MIXED MEDIA, << • SEMINAR: John Richards, DIRTY ELECTRONICS WORKSHOP, APRIL 1-3 time: 11:00 – 14:00 << • SEMINAR: Nikos Tsinikas, MUSIC AND ARCHITECTURE, MARCH 28-29 time 11:00 – 14:00 << •SEMINAR " History of Electroacoustic Music". The seminar will be taught by Andreas Mniestris and Ileana Heliadou between 31 - 2/02/2008 in Room 304.υ << •SEMINAR " The MAX-MSP Programming Environment". The seminar will be taught by Dr. Pete Batchelor, lecturer in the DeMontfort University in Leicester, UK in the Music Technology and Innovation.| The seminar will be taught between 24/01 and 26/01 from 11:00 to 14:00 in room 304 << |