Dr Andrew Bentley (Sibelius Academy, Helsinki)

Analysis of electroacoustic music and its place in the musicology of the genre


In recent years, a number of books on the topic of analysis of electro-acoustic music have appeared by Thomas Licata (ed.), Mary Simoni (ed.), Katherine Norman and Stéphane Roy. The course takes the form of readings from some of these classic texts— and some journal articles—and reflection on their application to the analysis of electro-acoustic works. For an overview of the subject please see also the EARS website http://www.ears.dmu.ac.uk/spip.php?rubrique14. The student will get most out of the sessions if she/he is well-read in the aesthetics, history and production of electro-acoustic music. The Portrait-Polychromes series of books and website are also important, especially the portraits of Bayle, Risset and Dhomont.


Prior reading:

EMMERSON, Simon (1998) Acoustic/Electroacoustic: The Relationship with Instruments, Journal of New Music Research Vol. 27, No. 1-2. Lisse: Swets and Zeitlinger: 146-164

LEWIS, Andrew (1998) Francis Dhomont’s Novars, Journal of New Music Research Vol. 27, No. 1-2. Lisse: Swets and Zeitlinger: 67-83

ROY, Stéphane (1996) Form and Referential Citation in a Work by Francis Dhomont, Organised Sound: Vol. 1, no. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 29-41, 1996



LICATA, Thomas ed. (2002) Electroacoustic Music: Analytical Perspectives, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood

SIMONI, Mary ed. (2006), Analytical Methods of Electroacoustic Music, New York: Routledge

NORMAN, Katharine (2004) Sounding Spaces. Eight Literary Excursions through Electronic Music, Ashgate

ROY, Stéphane (2003),  L’analyse des musiques électroacoustiques: modèles et proposition, Paris: L’Harmattan

Les Portraits Polychromes—http://www.ina.fr/entreprise/activites/recherches-musicales/portraits-polychromes.html