HXOZ: Concerts 25-26-27-28-29 June 2019
The EPHMEE presents a series of electroacoustic music works focusing on "the soundscape we live in", i.e. composed as conscious expressions of thinking about and being inspired by the sonic environment. In addition the recordings use sonic material directly drawn from recordings of environmental sounds. More specifically all compositions presented this week were commissioned by the five partners of the ERASMUS+ strategic collaborations project "Le paysage sonore dans lequel nous vivons", proposed by the Groupe Musiques Vivantes de Lyon (GMVL) and realised the last 3 years by five collaborating partners, namely, GMVL from France, Tempo Reale and Amici della Musica di Cagliari from Italy, AFEA/FESTIVAL DME from Portugal and EPHMEE, Ionian University from Greece. The first part of this project has included the studied recording of sound environment from composers and sound recordists affiliated to the above artistic research centres, which has produced a large collection of environmental sound recordings of all possible sorts that were used to the sound creations, some of which will be heard during the concerts of this week. Additionally, a concert by our Erasmus Exchange guest, Prof. Michael Edwards from Folkwang University, Essen is included. This series of concerts is taking place at the Municipal Theatre of Corfu .
Also, a concert by the Music Department's live electroacoustic ensemble "asabe" (dir. Theodore Lotis) and a sound installation work developed by Amici della Musica di Cagliari will be presented at the POLYTECHNO performance space.
The program analytically:
Tuesday 25 June 2019
Municipal Theatre of Corfu (map)
Sound Diffusion for Multi-Loudscpeaker Systems
11.00-13.00 Seminar: Theodore Lotis
14.00-16.00 Workshop: Apostolos Loufopoulos
16.00-19.00 Filippos Theoharidis Demos of the diffiusion system - student works (open to public)
21.30 CONCERT "asabe" dir.Theodore Lotis
program notes
Wednesday 26 June 2019
Municipal Theatre of Corfu (map)

20.00 Michael Edwards jitterbug (aka four views of a rhythmic-structural procedure
based on iterated proportions of 6:3:5:4)
Part 1(6): stuffed animals and licorice
Part 2(3): my father's hazards
Part 3(5): zero to ten
Part 4(4): shiny metal mixing bowl
program notes
Sound Projection: Francesco Giomi
Fabio Monni Sospeso su una città di pietra II/a
Lelio Camilleri Summer 2018
Francesco Giomi Alla carta
Simone Faraci Un giardino improvviso
program notes

20.30 - 24.00 SOUND INSTALLATION Sant’Efisio
Amici della Musica di Cagliari
program notes

Thursday 27 June 2019
Municipal Theatre of Corfu (map)
21.00 GMVL (Groupe Musiques Vivantes de Lyon)
Sound Projection: Bernard Fort
Bernard Fort Paysage les yeux fermés
Péroline Barbet Carnavas (excerpt )
Anthony Clerc En mer
Carole de Haut Darwiche Ligne and Ligne 2
Marc Favre Allèles
Julien Lagier 24 postes
program notes
20.30 - 24.00 SOUND INSTALLATION Sant’Efisio
Amici della Musica di Cagliari
program notes
Friday 28 June 2019
Municipal Theatre of Corfu (map)
20.00 AFEA/FESTIVAL DME (Dias de Música Electroacústica)
Jaime Reis Fluxus, pas trop haut dans le ciel
José Carlos Sousa Souks
Pedro Rebelo Music by Strings
program notes
21.00 Amici della Musica di Cagliari
Lucio Garau 7 Fratelli
Lucio Garau: Synthesiser, Enrico Sesselego: Electric Guitar
Rinaldo Asuni: Double Bass Roberto Migoni: vibraphone
Riccardo Sarti: Sound Diffusion
program notes
20.30 - 24.00 SOUND INSTALLATION Sant’Efisio
Amici della Musica di Cagliari
program notes
Saturday 28 June 2019
Municipal Theatre of Corfu (map)
20.00 EPHMEE ( Electroacoustic Music Research Lab - Ionian University) 1.
Stelios Giannoulakis Athens Noise Orchestra
Vassilis Roupas Heaven
Filippos Theocharidis p.268 - Omonoia
Nikolas Valsamakis Le Jardin Secret
program notes
21.00 EPHMEE ( Electroacoustic Music Research Lab - Ionian University) 2.
Nikos Kanelakis Spaces and Places
Katerina Tzedaki Tsiou
Apostolos Loufopoulos Bathysphere
Theodore Lotis Silent Landscape Elder Tree
program notes

Laboratory of Electroacoustic Music Research & Applications [ΕΡΗΜΕΕ]
Department of Music Studies, School of Music & Audiovisual Arts | Ionian University
© 2019 EPHMEE | design&photos © > S.Sarchi