Download templates from https://github.com/livecodenetwork/templates/archive/master.zip[X]
Install markdown-mode from emacs[ ]
folder and rename it to GEA[X]
Create a bookmark for iclc.txt (markdown file inside GEA folder)[X]
Create git for[X]
Learn some markdown from http://lurk.org/groups/lcrn[X]
install pandock-mode[X]
install pandoc package from https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/tag/1.13.2[X]
HTML export:
pandoc --template=pandoc/iclc.html --filter pandoc-citeproc -N iclc2015.txt -o iclc2015.html
PDF export:
pandoc --template=pandoc/iclc.latex --filter pandoc-citeproc -N iclc2015.txt -o iclc2015.pdf